Feedback on plugin (Studio Basics[BETA] - The Automating Studio tool)

Today me and @hya123456h have released the plugin Studio Basics . This plugin can be used to save items you always want in a default Studio file. The plugin is currently is in BETA so if you experience any errors please report them here so we can fix them.

What you can expect to not work:

  • DropDown Menu
  • Properties Menu
  • Property Read Only Error

What you can expect to work:

  • Saving across places
  • Loading and renaming others with the same name
  • Binning the basics

Please do not expect this to be an expertly polished plugin as this is both our first times

My workspace empty

What it looks like when I save it


After I load them in the same save

After I load them in a different save

Plugin Link: [BETA]Studio Basics - Roblox

Any feedback would be much appreciated