Feedback on Port Map

Recently, ne and a friend have been working on a port map for a game we’ve been working on, and I’d like some feedback on it.

Some of it was made in Studio and the rest was made in blender.
The build is still a WIP, but is mostly done.

Any feedback would be appreciated.

Some screenshots:


I really like the map you’ve made. It’s nicely detailed and polished. If I were to give one criticism, I would suggest improve the design of the trees because I just don’t feel like they fit the designs of the other models in your map. That’s just me though, so you don’t have to feel pressured to change it if you don’t want to. Other than that, everything looks great! Keep it up!


Thanks for the feedback!

The trees are assets from another game, so it would make sense that they wouldn’t fit in as well, I’ll see what I can do