Portal Feedback
Hey it’s cadjonathan back again with another model, today I have modeled a portal, I’d like to get some feedback.
- What could I improve on?
- What do you rate it on a scale of 1-10?
Hey it’s cadjonathan back again with another model, today I have modeled a portal, I’d like to get some feedback.
It looks really great, only thing I could think of is maybe make the stones on the side less symmetrical like the vines. Other than that I’d rate it a 9/10.
I think it’s pretty good, although like nucl3ar said you might wanna make the rocks a bit less symetrical but other than that it’s pretty nice.
Your low poly portal looks really amazing i like, the details you included on the portal such as the vines. Wrapped around the pillar stone poles, on the portal it’s very impressive! I like how make the very long vines implemented onto the portal. It has a nice design to it, and it looks like a portal that will be in a abandoned area mainly, around a dark environment or a hidden area that has been there for a long time. However i feel like you should add some material onto! The portal just to give it that design your trying to go for, like if you look at the (Old Portal and Desert Portal) that has low poly looks to, them you will mostly see some cracked material! Texture on the floor part such as the following stone material, or black stone material some other types of portals that are hidden abandoned and never to be found! They mostly have different kinds of styles to them. Such as cracks around the portal pillars or, little rocks around the terrain map floor. I do believe you plan on adding the terrain decorations if! You plan on doing that i would try adding, some cracked rocks and some medium stones stacked up. Around the environment so it could look more better and you could always, add a little stairs walking into the portal, as you would see these types of designs always added to low. Poly portals try doing something like that!
Overall you have a nice design to it depending if your going! For that kind of portal anyways it still looks, really good nicely done on your amazing. Low Poly Portal! Aside all of that, you have done a amazing job on your (Portal) I really think you’ve did well making it look like a forest, portal one that has been found! In so long. And it looks like a portal that someone, has found in the hidden world these. Kind of portals have the details, design, material, implemented to it that makes it look like a portal that has been in the forest, that people will go to find. Anyways you have done a nice job making the design details decorations! That’s always on portals I would also try adding some little green grass coming through the cracks if you plan on adding some texture to your portal overall great job on your first portal creation. Hope to see what else you add soon.
As well i would try adding some cracked texture onto, the portal pillars and some on the floor part. Because if you ever saw a portal in movies online you! Would most likely see it has cracked floors and vegetation covered around it, depending on what design your trying to make. Overall that is just my suggestion you could, try adding to your creation when you plan on adding different details to your portal those. Are just some i’ll add to make it look more better and improved anyways nice portal.
Personally I believe you were going on a more weathered feel on this creation with the vines. If I am correct, you should try added intrusions/cracks on the portal frame. This adds weathering and I believe would overall fit the weathering look very well. Sorry if this message is a little bit late.