Feedback on potion flask

hello you people!today i’ve made an potion flask!it is indeed really basic,it took me about 6 or 10 minutes to make it,so let me know your opinions about it!:sunglasses:


I don’t work in Blender or any other 3rd party website that’ll work with low-poly but HOLY COW. This looks great!


thank you for the support!it wasnt my best i hope i can get better at blender soon

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If you don’t mind me asking, how long did it take you to learn how to work like this in blender? Or did you just mess around with subdivision?

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I think this looks really nice, the style almost fits the style of Islands.

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Well i actually started watching YouTube tutoriais about blender about how to use blender,and then i started messing with things inside of it

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