Feedback on punch chain animation

Real criticism please!

This is my first animation I’ve made


First animation??? It’s so good! I’ve made so many animations and it’d end up so horrible. Anyways, my only feedback is try moving the legs a little, it seems like it’s legs are glued together. Other than that it’s a really good animation!


Its amazing but the legs are a little… Dont move at all? If you wanna go for something a little on the funnier side maybe having them flail around well still keeping balance would be funny? if not I would maybe have them look like their keeping balance?

First animation! That looks great! Except that he spins and does one over his shoulder, I do Tae Kwon Do and I’ve never done that. Ever. When fighting you should always keep your back away from your opponent unless your doing something effective like a turning behind roundhouse kick to cover more distance. Never turn on a punch though.

Other than that it’s the best first animation I’ve ever seen! I’ve done a few animations and they still look ugly. Maybe I just need to practice though.

Edit: Ya, the legs are together too so just try to keep both feet on the ground at the same time unless he is walking, sliding, or turning.

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for everyone saying things about the legs: it’s like that on purpose so that if another animation is playing that has leg movement is plays both, for example; running or walking

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Ok, that makes a lot of sense.

This animation looks great! But the only thing that I can say to change is try moving the legs. Right now it looks quite unrealistic and kinda looks like they are on ice skates lol. Other than that looks great can can’t wait to see you grow and get better at animating!


Feedback on punch chain animation - #5 by F0xBirdman the legs are not supposed to be animated

Oh wait I didn’t see that sorry. :smile: