Feedback on quick simple church-ish game

Just looking for feedback or criticism on a creepy church based build I made.

Link is here Town Hall - Roblox if anyone would like to experience it better.

The build:

I know it’s simple, I just tried a new simple style a bit…


that is really cool and i got to say that blew my mind away


The chapel textures aren’t too great, should be more structural detail. The seats are just blocks, I think adding actual benches would work well. Adding support beams for the roof and making the roof a different texture would also work well.

Removing the campfire and adding something else like a statue of some sort would be better, otherwise you could replace the campfire with torches or candles.

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thank you for the heart but still its amazing

Thanks. I like to build overly simple sometimes, while other times I choose to invest more time into it.(meaning much more complex pieces of work)

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I’ll take that in for next time thanks.