As I’m more of an R15 animator, I never really spend any time to animate R6. Although today I decided to see where my skill level lies with R6. Feedback on this would help me create more natural and awesome animations in R6!
animation is very cool!
great work!
I appreciate your feedback! Thank you!
I think it’s really good as well great job! However make sure all limbs join to the torso at the right place.
Wow! The only thing is to rotate the joints towards the torso when they move far forward so they don’t look like they’re going to fall off. Great animation work though. I’d never be able to do this!
Thanks for pointing that out, I’ll fix that next time!
True! I’ll make sure the limbs stay closer to the torso next time, thanks for your feedback!
Nice work again! His hits are very smooth, but a bit slow. Personally, I would speed up the punches, but keeping the same amount of pause between them. Also, they don’t seem to line up in terms of hitting an enemy. It looks as if he’s punching at the shoulders, with the uppercut not going anywhere. Rotate the torso even more and aim the punches at the center. I think if you were to put a block in front of him to act as a sort of “punching bag” that would help you be on target more. Lastly, maybe have his left arm rotated in towards his head a little at the start, so his hand isn’t aimlessly pointing up towards the sky. Footwork is great and that kick is pretty good!
Thank you for all that great feedback! I’ll make sure to look out for all those things to make even better animations, thank you!
No worries. It always helps to have a second perspective on things!
I think this is amazing personally, I’m more of a builder than animator tho