Hey everyone. I’m currently working on a Doors type game, and i’ve made a random room generation system. What is your guys opinion on this?
Looks pretty cool, I especially like the textures for the walls and floor etc. Is this a fangame or a game with similar mechanics?
Hey, thank you and it’s a fangame.
No problem, is it a spinoff or something expanding off of the story? Just curious.
It’s a spinoff, thanks for asking
It would be nice if there were certain rooms that contained other rooms (like a bathroom, bedroom, closet, etc.) if that wouldn’t interfere with the game mechanics.
It won’t, thanks for the opinion
Hey there! I’m assuming you followed GnomeCodes tutorial! Pretty cool my man! time to add some AI, closets and a story
yep thanks for the ideas, bye!
I really suggest to use around 3-4 rooms together and not generating them all at once
For example
At start you generate Room 0, Room 1 and Room 2 together, Entering Room 2 makes Room 3 generate
Entering Room 3 makes Room 4 generate and Room 0 delete and so on keeping this range or more/less
This just because in this way
The game will result more fluid since there aren’t much parts and you could make more complex rooms
When a room is generated the script that generates it will be able to run an event, for example Rush from Doors
can’t play the video, (darn 10 mb limit probs) can you send a separate link?
What’s funny is i have a room gen which is exactly like his which i wrote in 2021