Feedback on recent Gfx's


I recently made a artwork for practice. And would like some feedback on the scene and lighting.

First Gfx


  • I got the house models in the back from CgTraders would highly recommend.
  • I used eevee to render the scene because cycles look bad :l
  • I made the rain inside of blender.
  • I used volumetric lighting to give it that effect
  • Animation soon of this scene

Second Gfx

This was a commission for someone: :grin:
They wanted their friend (Who wants to be in the army) In the scene

  • Done With Cycles

Thank You!


Yeah the gfx are good and the lightning in the second one is awesome but maybe i would point out some things that can be improved for me .In the 2nd recent gfx i would not blur the planes and i would not make the round drop effect around the gfx it looks weird for me, by the way its a very good gfx.Good work overall

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Yea the drop effect on the sand looks very weird… it happened when I brightened the image and didn’t turn down radius. Thanks for the feedback!

It’s pretty impressive and awesome but it seems like there’s something that needs editing/adjusting but I can’t lay a finger…

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I’m no professional GFX’er, but they do really look good. The lightning seems to be perfect to me.

In the 2nd GFX, better shadows? I don’t know, would look very perfect if the details of the shadows were shown. Perhaps change the camera position, so that whole body was shown (in this way you’d be able to show the shadow)

I’m not judging, I’m just suggesting. I’m not a professional GFX’er afterall

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