Feedback on Render

Hello i wanted some feed back on my render using Blender 2.83

Images of the render:

Any feedbaack would be appreciated!


Nice! I really like that! Next time remember to use a HDRI lighting to it is spread out evenly amongst the character, and use rigging carefully. Well done though! :slight_smile:

Nice render, The character is smoothly posed, but the edes of the render seem to be a bit pixelated.
Here’s what I mean:


I would place something in the background so it could make the render look more interesting, attractive, and unique, maybe have an image that would fit in with the background instead of a plain dark area:

Consider placing something around the character so it can give it a more lively feel.

Looking at the background it seems dull and empty. You can add some people into the background or possibly decorations rather then just the character standing there doing a (dab). Adding little things such as trees can give the render some spice to the background.

Try to make it to your best of abilities it’s good though.