Feedback on Renders

Hello! I just recently made two Renders on Blender, and I would like your honest feedback on them! I usually just use Roblox Studio for making renders, but that has obvious setbacks. With Blender here, I’ve been able to create more, realistic, renders.

Here are the renders below:

As before, I would like the best feedback, as I can improve on my skills. Thank you!


It looks nice! Keep up the good work!

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The shading is excellent and I like it but the animation is dry and so are the clothes. Since we now have access to UGC, you should try and take a red hoodie item from there.

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Thank you! It’s my first render using Blender.

Okay! I’ll try to work on the poses. Also, I just picked one of my old, plainer, avatars for easier shading. I’ll probably being doing several different avatars. Thank you for your feedback!