Feedback on (revised) Modernized Panel

Hello, forum. Today I just outputted an image of the final iteration of my admin panel (this is about the 5th iteration of it, 6/7 if we include previous versions/adaptations) and would like some general feedback if there could be ways to improve it.

Here is an image of the panel, along with its sub-panel on the Player Manager page (there are multiple sub-panels for different features).

I appreciate any feedback as always!


I like the windows OS thing you got going on, very unique


Looks pretty cool so far! Maybe make a better separation between ban (e.g. red) and kick (e.g. orange), like, for example it says “Type: DevBan” and the ban in green, but I think red would fit it more. and also maybe change “Commit” to “Confirm”

(F to stinky veilict :joy: )


Thank you. The green color of Type: DevBan is a static color to inform the user of groups of information that are being relayed. For example, green would be the most requested information while also being non-user controlled, meaning the user cannot directly alter this type of information, while orange conveys that the information highlighted is user-controlled.

The Punished: Yes is red/green depending on whether the target is punished or not. If they are punished, it’s red, if they are not punished, it’s green.

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