Feedback On Roblox Portfolio Creation Website

EVERYTHING about the site is clean and nice I would actually use Bloxfolio.
Keep up the good work man

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thanks for the info, it is appreciated.

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Just a little question as am late to the discussion How can I login/Access My Roblox Account on Bloxfolio

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Bloxfolio is only availible to testers right now. You will be able to sign up on the 23rd June.

I meant like after the launch or Testing phase How can I/Others access there Roblox account on Bloxfolio?

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to sign up you will need to put a code in your roblox profile to verify that you own the account.

Oh thats good but the bots will do the job immediatly right ?

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I added a navigation bar to portfolios, this is what it looks like.


Tank you :slight_smile: I will sign up! When it releases!


Talent hub but better. This is a big help to the commuity.


Talent Hub, But It Doesn’t Suck

This is great! This isn’t something we leave in the drawer and never use, that’s for sure!


Yeah, this website has a lot of potential. Talent Hub is trash and this is going to be the best version of Talent Hub that you will get. 13/10, amazinngggg


Send link for the website :wink: . Definitely see potential in this and will help make it widespread! Found it in recanman’s post

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This is just a way better version of the talent hub, I love it.

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