Hey guys, just looking for some feedback on this roblox thumbnail, its how to make a gfx video obviously
I know nothing about making gfx but that is very good!!!
It looks great with bright colors and the right lighting.
What confuses me a little is the same character in the background, you should try how it would look just one.
Good job and keep working hard.
The background image is amazing but I need to squint to see the letters and arrow.
Try swapping out the colors of the text to something like Cyan, purple, red or anything really. It just needs to stand out and contrast itself from the backround
This is a thumbnail, one for a roblox tutorial, and it looks better than 99 percent of others. Only complaint is the text wouldn’t appear very visible on the youtube layout, so I suggest making the letters more visible
as an outsidr/audience view, i feel like da colors blend in too much with each other, an can lead to difficulty seeing things like da text
itz importants to have contrast and make certain things pop out for da audience to see!!! thinks of it like dis: when making a thumbnail, which part do u want 2 see noticed first? if u want da text to be seen, it can b easily fixed by changing da colors to pop out more compared 2 all the colors that follow da same pastel pink theme. therez a reason why (clickbaity) thumbnails have big red arrows/circles and tons of saturation; itz to draw attention!!
obviouzly do ur thumbnails to da style u want it to be, but just keep in mind what needs to be and if its able to be seen =)
great advice!!
any colour you think the text should be?
well first offs lets see here:
i used a color picker site to see what’s the most used and dominant color; which u can see!
so all u have to do is make it stand out from da rest. heres what i came up:
i tried to come up with more vibrant and saturated colors (since most of the time, audiences may look at the most saturated thing in the image) while also trying to consider the pink theme!!
hope dis helps
edit: (and there are multiple ways to make thingz pop out, like borders and such… so u do ur thing!!! )
you just helped me so much you clearly know your stuff thank you!!
ur very welcome! i jus draw and analyze a lot, no biggie
i wish u da best!
Looks great! Also happy birthday!