Me and my brother are currently developing a game named ‘Fishing Island’ as a two-person team and today I worked on a rope customization mechanic for the fishing rods.
I feel like the result is pretty cool even if the concept is actually simple, however I would like to hear what you people think about it .
Stuff like ways to keep UI cleaner or Sound Effects that could improve the user experience.
What about the way we present the recolor of the rope in the actual game while fishing?
Please let me know what could be improved, and how you feel about the feature’s current state.
Here is a video showing the implemented UI and its impact on the game:
In case you want to interact with the UI yourself, you can simply test it in the game here: Fishing Island
For the rope I feel like you should put a title over which color you are changing so it is easy for new users so people know which part is getting changed. I also think you should add a sound when you throw the line.
Hmm. The plan is to have a tailor that can upgrade your backpack, and if you change to the ‘Rope’ tab you can also select a color for your rope. So I was thinking that is suggestive enough since in the viewport the actual rope color is getting changed.
Regarding the sound, I think you are right, but I wouldn’t want to spam the player with too many unnecessary sounds. I need to find some specific sound that is subtle enough, since there will be times in the game when the players spam the throw action.
But yeah , good observation we will think about it! Thanks