Hello developers! I’ve been working on this build for about 1 hour, and I figured it was time for the community to give their input on it. If you could answer these questions below, that would be a huge help for me!
This is probably one of the coolest bed designs I have ever seen. I would love to see what you could make with a whole bedroom. EDIT I dont think there is anything to change.
I like the overall design of it, as well as the idea. The frame is really well done, and the neon lights add a lot. However, one detail that just bugs me for some reason, and I don’t know how you would fix, is that the mattress doesn’t really match the frame much. The frame is sci-fi while the mattress is just plain.
I think it looks good. I think it looks very sci-fi. The pillows need a little for fluff. Also, good work with the sand texture. I see you used multiple meshes to make a masterpiece bed. Out of curiosity, what inspires your builds?
I think it’s an amazing bed model, however I wouldn’t look at it and say it’s a Sci-Fi bed. I think like @Dev_JayR said, making it float would really add to that Sci-Fi vibe you are trying to achieve. I also feel like there needs to be a little more neon or something like that. There is such a thing as too much neon, however I feel like since this is a Sci-Fi build, there could be a little more
Great modern bed build, however there could be some improvements for a Sci-Fi bed.
This is very nice, but it’s not really sci-fi. It looks like a normal bed with texture changes. I suggest making it more sci-fi like, meaning adding some “futuristic” stuff such as making it look somewhat like