Hey would love feedback on my sci fi builds floor, stairs, table and chairs i made.
They look very cool! good job!
Thank you very much!!!
Man, I love those chairs.
I really liked the table and chairs, and the builds overall were well-detailed.
One small note: my character sort of jitters whilst going up the stairs. It’s not a game-breaker, per say, but it’s kind of unsatisfying to watch, and it should be fixable.
Thank you for the nice comment, and yes i will fix that thank you for pointing that out, appreciate it
They look very cool, I think you should add some more details to the chairs but it is amazing overall.
Looks good, and sci-fi like. I think they should be combined into one build.
I don’t honestly know what to say, but good job!
For the stairs try to make them a little closer so the player won’t walk weird when they go up the stairs it always bothers me idk why
Hey! Your SCI-FI builds look very wonderful and details! Very excellent builds, but however I found some errors for the stair you’ve made. You can clearly see this isn’t perfect.
By the way, to solve this problem I recommended you to use this plugin:
The plugin are super helpful for builders, this to help and make your building look perfect.
I’ll show you the video what ResizeAlign plugin do:
Hope this help! Fix on the stair if possibly!
Overall It’s a good build at the start it’s a step to improving your building skills. Did you use reference images or build this on your own - imagination?
While everything is put together properly you did this to your own abilities. Perhaps something along the lines of pipes, layers of neon lights across the top counter table just to enhance the sci-fi theme the steel flooring is good perhaps maybe small lights added to the surface or little vents. Here is a reference image you could possibly use this will be used as a simple guide to add those important objects. Other than you did a good job I hope you continue to improve your skills and you’ll be more advanced.
Thank you, yes the chiars do look a little plain.
Thank you very much. I appreciate it.
Yes i see what you mean i will fix it, thank you.
Thank you very much for this, this is very helpful, I appreciate it, i will fix them stairs so they look better but thank you for the feedback.
I used reference images for most of the builds. Yes i will add more detail to it such as the pipes and neon lights to make it stand out more, thank you for the image that will help, thank you for your feedback.