Just a little something
Wow, the detail is stunning. This is probably one of the best sci-fi corridors I’ve ever seen. There isn’t much room for improvement. The colours tie in nicely, too. Great job.
Oh my gosh that looks incredible, colors are really good just like building, i also suggest boosting up your graphics up.
It looks nice, I would just think about the colours you are using in this build. You should try adding a grey colour to this.
Really nice, maybe consider adding some more details to the floor since it looks too basic and honestly doesn’t fit such a detailed build.
It looks nice, but you might want to include a floor.
You should try adding bloom to manipulate the neon glow to the right amount.
Are people going to be seeing anything outside the windows that requires it to not be glass? (e.g. particles, chat bubbles, etc) - if not, you might want to turn it into glass, as it looks better.
Incredible work! Super detailed and highly resembles the Sci-Fi theme. Colouration is perfect, ticks all the boxes. Moving forward, one thing I would now consider is the lighting, with the yellow neon’s, try and add a dim light. Other then that, great work!
You picked a really good color scheme for this build, the orange neon really pulls out the colors of the walls and makes it where you’re able to more or less “see what is going on” in the build, since most builds are either solid black, and impossible to see the details, or just bland.
Lots of dimensions were also added to this build, and that is very nice.
Make sure that you add in a floor that matches the rest of the build whenever you do that, possibly adding some neon lines into the floor to allow “navigation” or something like that just so it’s incorporated.
I don’t necessarily agree, it’s perfect how it is
It looks VERY good in my opinion. I do think you should remove some of the bolts because there are a lot of them in some places.
Oh, and maybe you should fix this?:
Looks very awesome but I think it looks too dark.
Okay, now this is what I call HOT. Really enjoying the use of Neon & Pipes, these all really give in that sort of Modern / Sci-Fi vibe.
To improve, I’d suggest possibly using beams somewhere on the lower sides of the walls to give in that realistic effect of seeing in the dark via the ground if you know what I mean.
The detail in this is amazing. The only thing that I think needs improvement is the floor, it doesn’t have alot of detail. Other than that it looks great.
Looks very detailed and sci fi as the title said!! I love how you added different types of pillars and that hexagon shape for the whole corrider
This is great!
I like all things sci-fi and this is no exception!
Of course, add a floor, but overall, this is great!