Looks really cool!
Now add color to it.
What’s supposed to be in it do you think? It doesn’t look stackable so might be something precious.
I’m not actually sure yet, since I’m moving forward without too much planning of the development of the game which this asset will be used in. There’s a possibility it could be used just as a prop.
Alright, but is that a handle on the top? That must mean you would carry it around like a grocery bag.
I would love to see someone carry a heavy Sci-Fi crate up and down 3 flights of stairs like a grocery bag
Great work @JollyGameCrazy Post a new topic and @ me if you’re going to texture it!
I’m actually texturing it right now, I’ll do so when I finish
Was it all made in a 3D software? If so, that’s really good. Keep up the great work
Made in Blender
Looks nice! cool model and details!
Prototype Texture
Just wondering if I should remove the cover, and/or change the bare metal to painted metal.
I’m not pleased with the current textures, so I’m gonna change them later.
Quick question. If you don’t mind me asking, how did you texture it? Did you use texture paint, then touch it up with Normal map and Height map, or did you create the textures in another software?
I used Substance Painter
I’ll make sure to check that out. I always quit working on projects because I can’t get good textures, so this should help.