Feedback on Scratch 3D assets

Hello everyone, it is a pleasure to finally make myself known on the forums!

My name is Seraphim, and I generally create 3D assets on and off for a variety of VR games. I’ve been creating for just around 3 years now!

I was hoping to get some feedback on a few of my creations, and possibly inquire about what I might be able to do better.

Edit: Insight on how to capture the metallics, roughness, and normals of the assets in a thumbnail would also help immensely in showing off my creations.

First up, Blinded by the Lord

Second up, Hidden from the Lord

Finally for the time being, Fractured Wings

I have a bunch of unreleased assets still collecting dust in my vault, but these were a few of my most recent additions. Let me know what you think! I’d also love to know where you all would suggest building up my portfolio for the future.

Amongst the clouds,


These 3D assets look VERY good and realistic! Nice job on them!


Thank you! I tend to lean towards creating more biblical assets, or assets of a holy variety.

I love the concept of morality.