Feedback on Screen UI

Hello, I’m pretty new to UI design. Recently, I’ve created an outline for a UI. I just wanted some feedback and to see if I was doing well so far. If you could please reply with how I can improve this start of a UI. My goal is for a sort of shop if you will. There’s an ingame currency of points.

I’m stuck, not really sure how I can further my journey with this UI, so if you could give some suggestions and feedback on how I can continue. Thank you! <3


im no expert on that topic, but i would say it looks very nice and clean, its not tacky or uneven its well made with the opening sequence 10/10 keep up the good work my dude


That’s awesome! I love the tween on the button!

I would recommend adding some border around the menu. Also add UIGradient, would look much better. You can take ideas from an inventory UI I made :wink:



I like how it looks, it’s very clean and modern. A lot of issues with UI design nowadays involve people shoving too much information into a single page, so you did a great job on avoiding that. And you’re a beginner?? You have a better design taste than some intermediate and sometimes advanced UI Designers. Again, great job! :clap:

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Pretty clean UI! The part I like is when you press the “Menu” button and how it opens. It is very well designed. Keep it up! :smiley:

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That is a great UI design.
Keep up the good work.


Not an expert with Screen UI’s, but this is pretty good for a beginner.

I like how it transitions in and out, really nice job!


Great work, for me the only thing you should improve on is the design itself. I’m not gonna lie, that is a clean UI design , but it’s also very common. Try to think of more unqiue guis. I prefer it if you start learning to use ImageGUIs. You can customize the UI however you want using pictures. You could use gradients, or even logos to make it more inviting :slight_smile:

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Thank you all so much for your feedback! <3