Feedback on shirt

Hi everyone, hope you’re having a great day!

I’m looking for feedback and critiques for this shirt I made (don’t worry, I won’t get upset) I’d love if you were to give me feedback on how to improve it, or what to change!

Thanks in advance! :smiley:



It looks amazing, keep up the great work! :slightly_smiling_face:


The shirt looks great, you will improve more as a clothing designer. The effort on this shirt is not that bad the quality on this shirt is amazing.


Its looks really good! I do have a few things I think could be improved upon, though.

  • The wrinkles on the jacket are too light - you can hardly see them
  • They also look kind of unrealistic (at least to me)
  • The shading seems a bit too dark as well

You could improve on them by:

  • Making the wrinkles darker
  • Making more wrinkles
  • and having the wrinkles and highlights not all be the same size
  • Lighten the shading
  • Add some highlights in between the shading so there’s some color variation, and it doesn’t look as dark

Sorry if I reapeated things. Also, these are all what I personally think should be changed and improved. You can do whatever you want, of course!

Overall, great job!


Thank you so much I’ll definitely take in this feedback and improve! :slight_smile: