Feedback on shooter game


We have began development of a small shooter game, and would like any constructive criticism and feedback regarding it. The game is somewhat bare bones, but the major portions of it (such as the FPS system) should be working smoothly. We based it on our favorite game from 2011 set in Iran.

Again, all feedback is welcome.

I recommend adding a school for more realism for the game.

Is this meant to be a joke or not? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

No, it’s a suggestion for the game.

Map wise, very well done however the map could be expanded a little bit, but overall great job!

I posted basically the same thread about feedback and he said the same thing about adding a school cuz you know, “misfits” and shooting are like not the greatest combination :rofl:

The map looks good and the shooting is nice, but it will be fun if there Wher people honestly.

I’m trying to get feedback so that maybe more people than my friend circle or forum users may play it and actually enjoy it, which is how many games are created.