Time taken: 13 minutes
Made in studio
The shop building itself is very well made, some other angles would be nice however. The shop’s colours all work together very well. The tube person to the right lets the build down in my opinion. The parts aren’t connected and the colour really contrasts the shop. Great job though!
This is how it looks like when you’re playing:
(it moves around and rotates and stuff but I couldn’t take a video)
very nice, but make it clear that the red blowing in the wind thingy is blowing in the wind, and its not a red cactus! also the alternating blue light orange pattern has some z fighting or misaligned parts here and there, the door is just glass without even a handle, and the luckiest guy font does not fit super weapon fighting theme. and maybe add something to make it look more like a weapons store and not just a store with a sign?
that looks alot better! good job
I added swords next to the text and changed the font
well, can we see that then? you have yet to update your post or make a new reply.
This is making me sick, this shop is just horrifying, everything is wrong with this building…no measurements at all, you have just placed all the blocks randomly, being a builder doesn’t mean that you don’t require math, but please, measure the distances between objects! Overall, this building or whatever you call it, is not describable.
The style is fine it’s just the colouring is a bit off for what the stores purpose is.
I find it funny how this is a weapons store with a cartoony and fun vibe to it.
Even topping it all off with the wacky waving inflatable arm flailing tubeman!
I actually really like this and the irony of the look and the fact it’s a weapons store kinda perfects it. I don’t know if this is what you were going for, but I’d keep it if I were you lol
Thanks for honest feedback. I put this together to show how it will actually look structurally, but I’ll fix up the blocks to go together.
Thanks! at least you understand what I was going for
Most likely uses a set of constraints that auto-align when the game is played.
That’s really good, I can’t even pretend it’s not
Thank you so much! I appreciate it