Feedback on shop UI

Hello, this is third ever UI which I have ever made, and this time, I thought I’d go with a modern “curvy” design. I would appreciate any constructive criticisms :slight_smile:


LOOKS BRILLIANT! I like the way it looks, honesty!


Wow, it looks amazing. I like how you can search for the skin and the “Equipped” label looks really good! I don’t think there is anything to work on in my opinion, since the UI looks like it’s set to be used in a roblox game.


It looks really good. I like what you did with the scroll bar. One thing is that the exit button looks out of place. I would recommend to change the color of it. Other than that, it’s amazing! Keep up the good work!

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Thanks for your feedback. Perhaps this looks better?

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It’s awesome dude. I think maybe having “Equipped” UI component a little bit smaller?

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Like so?

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Yep. Looks perfect! 30 characters

I don’t really your name plastered all over the shop, plus I can see a bit of your name coming out of the shop UI as well. I would just put in your name once and have it plastered somewhere that your name would be noticeable when they open the shop.

I enjoy the simple but intriguing design. It looks very clean and well put together. The fix on the Equipped label and making it smaller was a great idea by @IlyasTawawe. Also @masonf57, I believe the name is a watermark for posting it here by the creator rather than actually part of the UI itself.


Looks nice, keep up the good work! :+1:

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