Feedback on shop


I tried making shops like bee swarm simulator. Please tell me what I can improve and what you liked. Pls, give me feedback thank you. The invisible part in the second photo is where the eggs are going to go. This is my first build.


I think you can make the showcase things in the third picture more “fruitfull”, make them “fatter”. If your style is simulator, then thin rods and small objects don’t really fit in. Make it wonky, slanted, and most importantly, bigger!

Good job, though!


The green and blue don’t go with the farm but looks good either way

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I feel like the walls are too flat and it’s conflicting when you see the barn. The barn also doesn’t look centered, everything just looks out of place in that environment because you have relatively detailed models in a super bland room. I would suggest remaining consistent with your style, so either stick with simple or stick with detailed.

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Looks weird, sharp colors, unrealistic textures and overall simplicity (not to be confused with low-poly style) give us 2016 vibes. Try playing with symetry, colors and some decorations, and it will surely turn out a lot better.

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The walls seem a bit too flat. The barn doesn’t look centered, since one of the windows is almost going through the blue wall a bit.

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My main concerns with your build so far is the entire building feels very large and tight in the walls. For example, the entire front of barn isn’t properly centered at a certain angle! I’d decrease the barn to make it look better.

Your use of materials put on the barn together makes it seem very good, but the wooden material doesn’t match with the setting your going for, I do not believe it makes the place look as god as it may without such tight and cluttered walls. In short, if your going for a (low poly theme) try using more vibrant colors or materials within your build.

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I fell that the blue background is slightly odd and not matching with colours like green. Maybe you can have different colours for each shop.

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