Hello there!
I’m creating a simple raycasting game for a first person shooter game and working on a generic shotgun. Decided to add some simple VFX, rate them, and tell me what I should work on.
Hello there!
I’m creating a simple raycasting game for a first person shooter game and working on a generic shotgun. Decided to add some simple VFX, rate them, and tell me what I should work on.
Can’t really seem to find the VFX here (or I’m just blind)
Yeah, your blind unless if I incorrectly called it vfx but the vfx is the cloud or smoke that comes out of the shotgun and a brief flash.
I see. I was talking about the bullets in the video which were never shown. Smoke emits a bit too much, and moves way too fast and disappears too fast. Overall a mediocre showcase.
Yeah, first time doing a VFX. Anyway, how can I improve on it?
i just said some of the things that could be improved but it’s up to you anyway, this is just my personal opinions. ain’t too smart when it comes to guns
Well, I was going to add the bullets but I feel like working on the raycast first so I can use this or something?
Kinda sucks. There are no tracers for the bullets what so ever and there is no fire particle. Also the smoke is very thick and concentrated as well.
I know, I suck at VFX since it’s my first time doing so, any suggestions to improve?
I just gave suggestions to improve it. Maybe I didn’t clarify. Here though: Add fire particles, similar to smoke but short lived and fiery. Add bullet tracers, use parts, like a block with a special mesh set to sphere and then on stretching the part it gives a good effect… Lighten the smoke and make it more spread out.
Ah okay then, thanks for the suggestions!
it’s honestly your choice… i’m not the game creator but i’d say pick what’s best for your game
It would be cool if you added a sparkle effect at the end of the rifle, so it looks like something is coming out of the rifle.
This VFX looks good! Nice job on it!