Feedback on simulator gui buttons

So I made gui buttons with labels and things. I want feedback about what I can improve.
REMINDER: The gui’s isn’t rlly done. IM gonna add vectors and icons to the buttons.


I feel like the primary touch button should be easier to press.

On the main click button, there’s a small gap between the shadow and the bottom.

Also they look a bit generic, you should add something to it to make it stand out a little more.

Other than that it looks good!

You could make a hover script to tell what a item is.

	local HoverText ="TextLabel", script.Parent.Parent)
	local HoverSound ="Sound", game.Workspace)
	local SoundId = 7381722372
	local ifTextScaled = true
	HoverSound.PlaybackSpeed = 20
	HoverSound.SoundId = "rbxassetid://" ..SoundId
	HoverText.Size = script.Parent.Size
	HoverText.Position = script.Parent.Position
	HoverText.BackgroundTransparency = 0.85
	HoverText.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0,0,0)
	HoverText.TextScaled = ifTextScaled
	HoverText.Text = "Hi!"
	HoverText.Font  = Enum.Font.GothamBlack
	HoverText.TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255)
		HoverText.Visible = false


Maybe that will work for a hover script? Because it would take up more room for your players if you put names on top of them. Change font to liking :slight_smile:

They are very good but the ones on the bottom aren’t very bright or saturated. Also this should be in Creations Feedback not Art Design Support

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Its Very Nice, also as stated by @Smartmunkee the buttons at the bottom should be more saturated and bright, other than that the Guis are good.


If you’re looking for originality then this is the worst at it. It looks like every single simulator game I’ve seen.

Try to lower on the colors, ditch the outlines and use less bubbly images if you want this to look original.

Also some information about the type of simulator game I’m assuming your making.

If this is a clicker simulator game then try make the game fun, sorry if this sounds mean but most simulator games aren’t fun or get boring.
If you want your game to last more then a year then try to it about a bit more then just clicking buttons.

Hopes this helps

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Im not looking for orginality :slight_smile:

its not just clicking buttons? How do you know I just showed the guis

Well done though! 8.5/10

Thank you so much!! (Im not a gui designer)