Feedback on simulator icon!

feedback is appreciated!


It looks good.
One suggestion is maybe to, yk, add them together like this
Copy of Copy of Copy of Copy of Copy of Copy of Copy of Untitled Design


Yeah, I tried that but decided to seperate them to see the full model + logo.

It is okay but I think you might need to add more texture to make people want to join more.

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Also you could maybe add more pets to the background.

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done well but very formulaic, looks like numerous other sims.

The craftsmanship is good, but there is absolutely nothing in your icon that suggests your game is any different than the thousands of other simulators that incorporate pets.

Granted, 95% of the entire simulator genre is just regurgitated content, but if you want a game that has a chance to withhold the test of time, consider incorporating more unique features into your icon.

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As stated in the 2nd reply, you should combine the two as you plan on doing

However, as I’ve learned myself, the average audience of simulator games is younger audiences, who are attracted by bright colors

Although this may be bad (I hate bright colors myself) you should try to make the icon slightly brighter as it appears to be lacking in color, I’m not sure by how much but try to make it look appealing to the average child

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These icons are very nice! Maybe you should put shading and make them more realistic? You can try it. Keep it up! :cool:

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