Feedback on simulator map!

Hello everyone, good afternoon/ night, I hope you are well and if so, more than good. :slightly_smiling_face:!
I have recently been hard at work on a simulator map, opinions?

Here, pics:


There is not much to this map that makes it unique. It is very large and due to this largeness you have just places an over abundant amount of trees. The “main plaza” is very open and there is not much to that as well. The textures are very flat and nothing to very eye catching. If I was personally in this game I would stay in one spot and click or whatever the purpose of the game is. I would recommend making the map worth exploring. Make the player want to explore the map. Hopefully this helps…


To be honset its not very appealing to me.Trees and grass maybe could be more brighter if your going for a low poly look, Shops look very bareish. and that donation arrow sign on the 2nd pic isnt even a arrow. Needs Alot work. hope this helps good luck with your game.

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Your tree need to look different, they look like copy pasted! Some tree should be taller or bigger, or smaller. Each tree should has brighter or darker color and dont put too many trees into the map

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Bruh…:no_mouth: I spent my whole week doing this…please don’t be so harsh, thanks.

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there are more than 300 trees, it was crazy, thanks for the tip, I’ll try to resize them

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Is my first simulator, thanks for the advices

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They look good for people that are starting making simulator maps but If you want to improve a lot, I 100% recommend you watching tutorials from @IamRoBuilder on YouTube!

He makes good content and show how to make things that are a little bit advanced on the 3D app called Blender!

you think i’m uncool? :sunglasses: how am I not going to look at it haha

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Haha good one buddy!


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  1. the shade of green is not so catchy, try a brighter green, but not TOO bright one…
  2. The world looks really flat, add some elevation and heights, rather than placing everything on the baseplate. Hills and boulders can be some items to elevate your map.
  3. all trees look the exact same. Try modeling a variety of trees, from Oak tree to maple tree to whatever comes in your mind.
  4. Textures. Your map has really basic materials, which is just smooth plastic,(and a few neons) as far as I can notice. Try experimenting with other materials as well.
  5. The buildings look really blocky, for which I suggest googling pictures of non blocky houses game assets, and referencing it off of them.

Just giving advices on the areas this can improve, dont think I dont like it, its actually pretty nice :smiley: good luck!