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Hey! @supa_shadowdude and I recently released a simulator, that I tried to make more unique than others. We added pets, which I don’t know much about, not going to lie.
But with more concepts, here’s what we have for now: [🎅CODE: HOLIDAYS🎄] Scythe Simulator! - Roblox
We want to achieve to the point where players can understand how to play the game without much questions (tutorial will be added). And to the point where it has a steady 100 players. We are working on polishing the game, like animating GUIs, adding more eggs/pets, and possibly portals.
We have thought of deleting the pet system to make it more simpler, and maybe more addicting. But players have told me not to remove it, as it gives lots of boost. If you join the game, the map is a little bland, and we’re trying to add codes, index (if the pet system will not be removed) and daily reward. Any feedback would be appreciated, as would an upvote. Should we remove pets or not? Should we continue working on this? Should we make islands? Any help/feedback is appreciated.
Thanks for reading!
Hello! I tried your game and it’s incredible. Everything works perfectly but one of your GUIs has a spelling error. You had typed in “Poitions” instead of “Potions”. Overall, everything is great! Consider putting more exciting game descriptions and also a different and futuristic skybox. I suggest putting the sword’s picture on the tool.
So, I honestly was never a fan of simulators to begin with. However, this one attracted me away even more quickly than usual, and here’s why:
Lack of progress. Progress was slow for me, because for every click I only got one power. I though when I upgraded to the new sword I would get like +2 Power or something like that, but instead, the game still kept me at +1 Power. First impressions are everything, and if I was a kid that had a short attention span, I would leave immediately. However, this is not the reason I left. The reason is:
Getting dominated. I’m not saying that I would rage because somebody was better than me. It was just simply that everybody in the server was better than me. They would have better speed, and kill me one shot. I couldn’t go a minute without dying. This is the main issue I had with the game, and it needs to be fixed.
Map making. The thing was, the map I felt was bland, and it would be nice to have extra maps.
I’m not generally a big fan of simulator games because most of them feel over-saturated and full of a bunch of features that aren’t necessary. I would say your game is an exception to the extent that the game UI and overall build is intuitive and pleasant to look at. However, with that being said, the gameplay did feel somewhat bland. This just may be my bias opinion on simulators overall, but otherwise keep up the good work.
Thanks for the feedback! We are working on making the map similar to Saber Simulator - Roblox
We are currently working on a tutorial GUI, and a better map and first impression overall.