I am new to building and I built a cafe, it is work in progress. Please tell your opinion!
The build so far is pretty small and doesn’t have much things so I can’t give much feedback on it. Some nitpicks:
The text here is weirdly spaced, the “a” in cafe is too moved down so the text doesn’t look consistent.And there should also be a space in between “demo” and “cafe”.
And I know it’s supposed to be a small cafe, but it’s really small.I’d recommend making it larger to make room for cash registers, cafe machines, and tables inside the building as well as the outside, which I think the gray concrete is for.
Pretty good job!
The idea behind this isn’t like any roleplay cafe stuff, you will get drinks and snacks from a kiosk. Thanks for the reply!
Being a new builder - beginner is good to learn the process into creating different things however did you use a reference image, inspiration from other developers?
Perhaps use images as a guide when creating different builds so it’ll help you choose a perfect color scheme and building layout add different materials and warmer colors some seating in the front.
Don’t choose one color scheme the build could look quite boring and plain looking always expand into adding variation and choosing a color to your own liking. Whatever approach your going for such as a (corner cafe, street cafe ect).
The front entrance should play a role at the start your cafe doesn’t have that resemblance so I would of assuming this was some kind of store. You want a strong atmosphere, but that depends on the overall theme your going for. At the start keep learning and practicing to get a overall good result add the finishing props.
It looks great! The only suggestion I have is that maybe you should add less windows. Try using a Humanoid model to fit the proportions of the cafe.
I don’t think this is complete, but the mullions (the parts holding up the windows) seem a little too close together and give off sort of a prison feel.
Many cafes especially ones in my area utilize brownish wood textures as an aesthetic vibe.

Source: I am an Architectural Technology graduate with 3 years of experience in Architecture
I would suggest adding some more detail on the windows.
Not to be super negative, but it kind of looks like you just did a quick build and you aren’t really sure about the building’s design, I also think it is too small and kind of just looks like an empty building with not much effort put into it yet, tell me when you have added some more details and I will review it again.
Hello there,
This is a very nice start however I do have some thinks which you could improve on:
- Firstly, you could use texture instead of using standard ROBLOX materials.
- Secondly, when using text I would recommend using ThreeDText2 created by @XAXA as it is an amazing plugin (ThreeDText 2 Plugin: Create Text With MeshParts!)
- Next - I’d also recommend using a lot more Smooth Plastic, for example around the windows / detailing on the walls
- Finally, I’d recommend reducing the darkness of the window color as it’s quite dark.
Other than those, I believe you have a very decent start here and I am excited to know where this ends up.