Feedback on small restaurant

I made a small restaurant area, however, it feels very empty, and I am not sure what to add.
This is meant to be a food court restaurant by the way.
The kitchen is the only thing that I am looking for feedback on.


Ok so the building is simple and decent, you could try to add more (for the stove, buttons and framing on the glass part) the shelves are too simple, maybe add support nails to it and add some appliances like a toaster, some plates, glasses, cups and a knife and maybe some food out on the counter, also for the counter, add lower shelves.


Maybe add random spices, coffee maker, cups, plates, just things you’d find when making a dish.


@X_ZN0 @Dorthsky
Using your advice, I created this:

What do you think of the improvements?
Anything else I could improve on?

There’s literally cut food with no knifes add a lamp soap. just look in your kitchen what does you’re kitchen have

Umm it’s the same picture, for me.

I replaced the picture in the OP because it is improved.

I don’t know what that is…

I meant “Add a lamp and a soap for washing”

Oh. A lamp won’t be necessary, as it is very open and meant to be in a food court, however, I will add soap. Also, I added a knife.

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I love it! But one thing I recommend is changing the textures cause I find roblox textures boring and overused, but you are doing amazing!

Roblox textures are really all I can use, I haven’t learned texturing, and either way, I’m terrible at art.

Either way, thanks for the feedback!

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Here, I can help you. first off you go to the part, then you add a texture, then browse the decal section and add your texture (you can upload your own texture too!)

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Is this part of your airport map? It looks really good!

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isn’t that like the same thing as adding decals
i’m confused
btw aren’t textures sort of the same thing as decals

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They are both really close, but one repeats and the other one is just one big image

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It’s decent. It’s dark and maybe needs some more things added to the wall(s)

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There is now soap, so employees may wash their hands and serve clean food.

The darkness is intentional, but I added a poster because the second thing was a pretty good point.

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Alright, now there’s a ceiling.

Ok that’s much better. It looks nice and simple.
Nice job!