Hello everyone, so I am an aspiring developer and I’ve been busy trying to work on a game of my own which is a homestore and I’ve built some bathroom doors for my homestore and I’m just seeking feedback on whether I did I good job creating these doors.
Very nice, Maybe try using the pebble texture from roblox studio, This is very nice though if you were going with the low poly style, As your floor is Wood it should blender with the door with a pebble type texture. Very nice.
The overall color of the door is nice, but the color scheme - decal needs work as it doesn’t match the setting your home store is in I would try making the door frame (width more sized in it shouldn’t be sized throughout the wall try keeping it where the door meets in my opinion.
The color scheme is a good thing if your home store features colorful objects around, maybe change up the handle make it have a more realistic curve.
Instead of it looking kind of square looking.The vent should also have a pattern (bolts since it’s a silver object to keep it in place in the door. I’m sure the decal is just a placeholder? Overall good attempt just some minor issues that could be used later down the line:
I think this is a amazing build.
1 thing I suggest is to make the door handle a knob. This makes it much more realistic and Just makes the door look better.
2 I think that the door color should be more matched with the wall paper. The colors match but the pattern really doesn’t match.
Personally, I would’ve made the door handle a little lower and add more detail. on the door maybe add a gender picture up top i like the color scheme though