Feedback on some low poly 3D Isometric interiors and my Game


My name is TeamAliterry23! I am a very inexperienced builder (I do accept that fact) but I can build some simplistic Isometric low poly stuff, I only have just a few weeks of experience in Blender, I can build in RobloxStudio, plus i can also script very simplistic Obbies. so here are some of my examples:

A 3D isometric Interior of a Bedroom (Perspective View):

A 3D Isometric interior of an Office (Orthographic View):

I also have an Alt (called TeamJediAlt) where I have created a game that racked only 13 Visits.
Here’s the link: The Hard Obby - Roblox.

I am pretty much a beginner so I respect your suggestions.

Thank You for Reading this! Pls do Share your Feedback.


inverse bed :skull: please make the blanket red and the base white. other than that IT LOOKS DOPE FR


Yeah it’s quite a lot DOPE. But this is actually my first build lol, I’m pretty much a newbie in blender. :sweat:

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thats great for a newbie I say your no longer one! doe a few things can be fixed ex: changing the bed like I said. Beveling the edges smooth. textures. And ig these are paintings?
if so make them a bit thin cuz thats too THICC

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Yep thanks for your feedback! However it looked pretty weird when I tried to bevel them even more so yeah but I can make it thinner.

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Love the style if were able to bevel smooth the edges more it would feel like plasticine (Wallace and Gromit, Pingoo, etc) and would make for a unique style of game.