Feedback on some of my games

I have 3 games to show you guys, and I will like you to just give me feedback,

My Main Hub (used for a store and to teleport to games)

Link here

Survive the Zombie Apocalypse (Main hub teleports to it)

Link here

These are all group games made by this group

Our Hangout and Mini Games (main hub teleports to it)

Link here

I am new to devforum and this is my 2nd topic, sorry if I gave you to many games :grin:

My group friends want to know this quickly so they can edit,

Thanks for stopping by :slightly_smiling_face:


Ok, I haven’t checked the games out yet, but first thing I notice is the thumbnails/logo. Make them more eyecatching, and also improve the game description.


It seems there are many free models. I had no idea what to do in the game. Add some GUIs


Thank you @octavodad

These games are still in edit because there is obviously not much in them,

About the free models

Yeah, sorry about the free models, if you think me and my group are bad at developing, I would not judge :neutral_face: I will try to do it without free models in the next making for me.


No, its not that I think you are bad at developing. Think of it that you still have room to improve:
Think of it this way- the worse you are at deving, the easier it is to improve!
I look forward to seeing some of your future games!