Feedback on some pride themed pets I made

Can you explain what you mean by this?

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I fixed the clothing and now it’s rounded to not look awkward.

that looks much better. add subsurf on the hair of them.

I believe the person means the gay is another term for happy.

Well in that case, they’re happy because they get to show their pride!

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It’s me! :wink:

image image

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why are the pets humans? also is that @Fas_ty35 in one of them?

Yes sir

I just felt like that best fit the theme.

I based one of the pets off of her.

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I love the pets. They’re so adorable. :happy4: :heart:

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You should edit the image to showcase the new ones you made at the bottom of this topic. From a straight point of view, they look very nice! :wink:

I do think it would be better without the egg though!

Edit: Just flag all of the “bypassing” stuff as off topic. All you want is feedback on your nice little pets not their opinion on why WhoToTrus’ stuff should be deleted.

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