Feedback on some UI

Hello everyone. This is my one of my first times doing ui and I would like to get some feedback.

Sorry this is my fault. The ui i made is only the one surrounded by the red circle. Thanks


It’s pretty nice, great start! One thing, you should try to keep the colours and size consistent for the icons in the ui: the icons inside the boxes seem to not have the same size and the scroll has a different colour among the rest


Ok, so, looks sort of getting there but what is the red line round the symbols doing there?

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Try to change the color of the icons themselves to match and be a shade of white to blend in with the text you have below.

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The icons on their own look pretty good, however the black doesn’t seem to work on the blue. Have you tried another colour? Or filling them with colour?

Loading boxes
The text that says loading is not aligned with the other 2 that say it.
The first box’s text is also too close to the coin icon.

Other than that for a first attempt it’s pretty good.

Oh one more little thing I noticed, you seem to have a dropshadow on the loading boxes but not on the icon buttons, any particular reason why?


I would recommend filling the icons with white (or another colour of your choice) and having consistent shadows on both the Loading… and the icon buttons.

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I think you should color them in like make them white or something and make them a little smaller so they don’t feel so squished in.

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Great. I would make sure to scale the black ImageLabel/ImageButtons down slightly and make them also white, which you should be able to do by changing the ImageColor property to 255,255,255, all in studio. Other then that, nice design! :slightly_smiling_face:

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Looks great for one of your first times. Besides what everyone else said, I’d also recommend centering your UI, and their respective elements properly. This might just be me, but it seems like the moneybag is a tad too low. Regardless, great work for your first time! Good luck.

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The red line is just to show the part I made because the currency part is made by another guy.

The currency ui is not made by me

I like the style you’re going for, maybe for the icons make them flat white ? It will feel more friendly towards the rest of the buttons below it ! :smile:


The icons in the UI seems a little too big. Try to scale it down by a little. Otherwise, Nice Job!


I wanted to say exactly the same, but looks good.

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