Feedback on Sparks Kilowatt GFX

Hello there!

Today I decided to make some GFX about current event “Metaverse Champions” and would love to hear some feedback. Here is my work:

Have a nice day! :blush:


I feel like the light behind her are too bright.

Also, did you make this a rig just for this GFX? :flushed:


goddamnit the brightness is killing me
i think it looks cool, would fit well as a pfp

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If it’s already a package, I’m pretty sure you can just import it as a rig.

Yeah but how did they get the limbs to bend and all that? :flushed:

They could’ve rigged it in blender or exported each of the parts separately. That’s just my guess I’m no GFX artist.

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Most likely made a rig with the rigify add-on, it’s pretty easy and looks cool, you can also add IK and some other stuff using that add-on. I’m also talking about a blender add-on.

:flushed: Is that how you rig your amazing work?


I mostly use pre-made rigs, but if there aren’t any then I just create them my selves, I actually did an AJ Striker on with fingers and stuff and I’m proud of it, might release it soon. (Also thanks for the compliment, love your work aswell)


I think it looks nice! Maybe add the map as the background because the lighting blends in too much with the background.

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Pretty cool besides the fact I got blinded from the brightness in the back

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That doesn’t look like mesh deformation to me, just a basic roblox import.

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Nice job, but the colors look so bright that they hurt my eyes, and its a little over noon where I am. Try dimming the colors a little.

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This GFX is WOW, just WOW!

I don’t have no feedback except giving 10/10 for the amazing job making it! :clap:t2:

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nah, i didnt rig it, also thank you for feedback

I love it! Good job! :smiley: 30char

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