Hey everyone!
I’ve implemented a spatial hash grid for efficiently searching for nearby objects.
I’d greatly appreciate any advice on changes on how to improve readabillity or performance.
Heres a basic explanation of how it works:
- The space is divided into a grid of fixed-size cells.
- Objects are hashed into cells based on their position.
- For any radius search, you only need to search the relevant cells and their neighbors rather than the entire grid.
Any feedback would be appreciated, Thanks!
export type Grid = typeof(setmetatable({} :: {
_cellSize: number,
_objectCellMap: { [any]: CellId },
_cells: { [CellId]: Cell}
}, {} :: GridImpl))
type GridImpl = {
__index: GridImpl,
new: (cellSize: number) -> Grid,
Insert: (self: Grid, object: any, position: Vector3) -> (),
Update: (self: Grid, object: any, position: Vector3) -> (),
Remove: (self: Grid, object: any) -> (),
RadiusSearch: (self: Grid, from: Vector3, radius: number) -> ({ any }, { number }),
RadiusSearchAmount: (self: Grid, from: Vector3, radius: number, amount: number) -> { any }
type CellId = string
type Cell = { [any]: Vector3 }
local function cellPositionToCellId(positionX: number, positionZ: number)
return positionX .. positionZ
local function positionToCellPosition(position: Vector3, cellSize: number): (number, number)
return math.floor(position.X / cellSize), math.floor(position.Z / cellSize)
local Grid = {} :: GridImpl
Grid.__index = Grid
function Grid.new(cellSize: number)
return setmetatable({
_cellSize = cellSize,
_objectCellMap = {},
_cells = {}
}, Grid)
function Grid:Insert(object: any, position: Vector3)
assert(object, "Object cannot be of type nil")
assert(typeof(position) == "Vector3", "Position is not of type Vector3")
assert(not self._objectCellMap[object], "Object already exists in the grid, did you mean to call Grid:Update() ?")
local cellPositionX, cellPositionZ = positionToCellPosition(position, self._cellSize)
local cellId = cellPositionToCellId(cellPositionX, cellPositionZ)
self._objectCellMap[object] = cellId
if self._cells[cellId] then
self._cells[cellId][position] = object
local cell = {
[object] = position
self._cells[cellId] = cell
function Grid:Remove(object: any)
assert(object, "Object cannot be of type nil")
assert(self._objectCellMap[object], "Object does not exist in the grid, did you mean to call Grid:Insert() ?")
local cellId = self._objectCellMap[object]
self._cells[cellId][object] = nil
self._objectCellMap[object] = nil
function Grid:Update(object: any, position: Vector3)
assert(object, "Object cannot be of type nil")
assert(typeof(position) == "Vector3", "Position is not of type Vector3")
-- if the object hasnt moved cells, we should do it here
local cellPositionX, cellPositionZ = positionToCellPosition(position, self._cellSize)
local newCellId = cellPositionToCellId(cellPositionX, cellPositionZ)
if self._objectCellMap[object] == newCellId then
self._cells[newCellId][object] = position
self:Insert(object, position)
function Grid:RadiusSearch(from: Vector3, radius: number): ({ any }, { number })
local foundObjects = {}
local foundDistances = {}
local radiusSquared = (radius * radius)
local cellRadius = math.ceil(radius / self._cellSize)
local fromCellX, fromCellZ = positionToCellPosition(from, self._cellSize)
for positionX = fromCellX - cellRadius, fromCellX + cellRadius do
for positionZ = fromCellZ - cellRadius, fromCellZ + cellRadius do
local cellId = cellPositionToCellId(positionX, positionZ)
if not self._cells[cellId] then
for object, position in pairs(self._cells[cellId]) do
local distanceX = from.X - position.X
local distanceZ = from.Z - position.Z
local distanceSquared = (distanceX * distanceX) + (distanceZ * distanceZ)
if distanceSquared <= radiusSquared then
table.insert(foundObjects, object)
table.insert(foundDistances, distanceSquared)
return foundObjects, foundDistances
function Grid:RadiusSearchAmount(from: Vector3, radius: number, amount: number): ({ any }, { number })
local objects, distances = self:RadiusSearch(from, radius)
local sorted = {}
for index, object in ipairs(objects) do
local distanceSquared = distances[index]
table.insert(sorted, {
distanceSquared = distanceSquared,
object = object
table.sort(sorted, function(a, b)
return a.distanceSquared < b.distanceSquared
local foundObjects = {}
local foundDistances = {}
for i = 1, math.min(amount, #sorted) do
local sortedEntry = sorted[i]
foundObjects[i] = sortedEntry.object
foundDistances[i] = sortedEntry.distanceSquared
return foundObjects, foundDistances
return Grid