Feedback on Spatial Hash Grid

Hey everyone!

I’ve implemented a spatial hash grid for efficiently searching for nearby objects.
I’d greatly appreciate any advice on changes on how to improve readabillity or performance.

Heres a basic explanation of how it works:

  • The space is divided into a grid of fixed-size cells.
  • Objects are hashed into cells based on their position.
  • For any radius search, you only need to search the relevant cells and their neighbors rather than the entire grid.

Any feedback would be appreciated, Thanks!


export type Grid = typeof(setmetatable({} :: {
    _cellSize: number,
    _objectCellMap: { [any]: CellId },
    _cells: { [CellId]: Cell}
}, {} :: GridImpl))

type GridImpl = {
    __index: GridImpl,

    new: (cellSize: number) -> Grid,
    Insert: (self: Grid, object: any, position: Vector3) -> (),
    Update: (self: Grid, object: any, position: Vector3) -> (),
    Remove: (self: Grid, object: any) -> (),
    RadiusSearch: (self: Grid, from: Vector3, radius: number) -> ({ any }, { number }),
    RadiusSearchAmount: (self: Grid, from: Vector3, radius: number, amount: number) -> { any }

type CellId = string

type Cell = { [any]: Vector3 }

local function cellPositionToCellId(positionX: number, positionZ: number)
    return positionX .. positionZ

local function positionToCellPosition(position: Vector3, cellSize: number): (number, number)
    return math.floor(position.X / cellSize), math.floor(position.Z / cellSize)

local Grid = {} :: GridImpl
Grid.__index = Grid

function number)
    return setmetatable({
        _cellSize = cellSize,
        _objectCellMap = {},
        _cells = {}
    }, Grid)

function Grid:Insert(object: any, position: Vector3)
    assert(object, "Object cannot be of type nil")
    assert(typeof(position) == "Vector3", "Position is not of type Vector3")
    assert(not self._objectCellMap[object], "Object already exists in the grid, did you mean to call Grid:Update() ?")

    local cellPositionX, cellPositionZ = positionToCellPosition(position, self._cellSize)
    local cellId = cellPositionToCellId(cellPositionX, cellPositionZ)

    self._objectCellMap[object] = cellId
    if self._cells[cellId] then
        self._cells[cellId][position] = object

    local cell = {
        [object] = position

    self._cells[cellId] = cell

function Grid:Remove(object: any)
    assert(object, "Object cannot be of type nil")
    assert(self._objectCellMap[object], "Object does not exist in the grid, did you mean to call Grid:Insert() ?")

    local cellId = self._objectCellMap[object]
    self._cells[cellId][object] = nil
    self._objectCellMap[object] = nil

function Grid:Update(object: any, position: Vector3)
    assert(object, "Object cannot be of type nil")
    assert(typeof(position) == "Vector3", "Position is not of type Vector3")

    -- if the object hasnt moved cells, we should do it here
    local cellPositionX, cellPositionZ = positionToCellPosition(position, self._cellSize)
    local newCellId = cellPositionToCellId(cellPositionX, cellPositionZ)

    if self._objectCellMap[object] == newCellId then
        self._cells[newCellId][object] = position

    self:Insert(object, position)

function Grid:RadiusSearch(from: Vector3, radius: number): ({ any }, { number })
    local foundObjects = {}
    local foundDistances = {}

    local radiusSquared = (radius * radius)
    local cellRadius = math.ceil(radius / self._cellSize)
    local fromCellX, fromCellZ = positionToCellPosition(from, self._cellSize)

    for positionX = fromCellX - cellRadius, fromCellX + cellRadius do
        for positionZ = fromCellZ - cellRadius, fromCellZ + cellRadius do
            local cellId = cellPositionToCellId(positionX, positionZ)

            if not self._cells[cellId] then

            for object, position in pairs(self._cells[cellId]) do
                local distanceX = from.X - position.X
                local distanceZ = from.Z - position.Z
                local distanceSquared = (distanceX * distanceX) + (distanceZ * distanceZ)

                if distanceSquared <= radiusSquared then
                    table.insert(foundObjects, object)
                    table.insert(foundDistances, distanceSquared)

    return foundObjects, foundDistances

function Grid:RadiusSearchAmount(from: Vector3, radius: number, amount: number): ({ any }, { number })
    local objects, distances = self:RadiusSearch(from, radius)
    local sorted = {}
    for index, object in ipairs(objects) do
        local distanceSquared = distances[index]

        table.insert(sorted, {
            distanceSquared = distanceSquared,
            object = object

    table.sort(sorted, function(a, b)
        return a.distanceSquared < b.distanceSquared

    local foundObjects = {}
    local foundDistances = {}

    for i = 1, math.min(amount, #sorted) do
        local sortedEntry = sorted[i]
        foundObjects[i] = sortedEntry.object
        foundDistances[i] = sortedEntry.distanceSquared

    return foundObjects, foundDistances

return Grid
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I think this would be a great resource to have, you should add it under the community rescources. @LuxSkyWalkSchool

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there are several bugs in the program though, and a few optimizations you could make. One bug is that you do both object[position] and position[object]. One optimization is the update function, maybye actually updating instead of destroying and then creating. @LuxSkyWalkSchool

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Thank you for pointing out this bug. As for the optimizations, I’ll need to check if the Luau bytecode compiler is capable of inlining the function calls within the Update function, and if not possible manually inline it.