Feedback on Star Wars Builds

Hey our group built a Star Wars map and here is the link: Broken stuff - Roblox
Please comment for feedback!


You should probably move this to #help-and-feedback

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Can use send pictures of it and not the link to the game.

Nice build, but it’s pretty colorless. The only color other than greyscale is red. Very detailed, though. Keep it up.

Looks like it has a lot of potential and I can see the inspiration you got from like DevKurka’s game. I’d suggest adding pop to it as it is mostly grey, having brighter lighting, and maybe polishing up some areas. If you want to get big, the idea is that it appeals to a younger audience as well and color and variation can do that.

It’s detailed and simple at the same time. There isn’t much color, mostly grey which fits that it’s the Galactic Empire Allience.