Feedback on Start of First Project?

Hello! I have decided to try and actually stick to getting better at building and coding by making my own small project game. I will also be making the UIs on my own through the use of Photoshop. I have just started and probably put in a solid 8 hours today on just what I have so far. While I consider this to be like the very start and only to be like 5% of what I plan to have done I am looking for any feedback I can get as I don’t usually build often. I also wanna make corrections to what I have now before moving on.

I am currently building a Vietnam-War themed game, heavily inspired by Rising Storm 2.

Jeeze, building is a lot of work for one person.

Warning: It’s a very tiny amount of progress.

Here it is: Vietnam .005 - Roblox


The game is looking good, you can add a game icon and thumbnail to make it appealing. Maybe more maps you can play on, more dialogue, etc. Besides that, the game is good.

So uh, why is this under the map?

Thank you for the feedback. I made that triangle thingy as a template for my roofs. The decal is just chilling there for now as I used it for when you spawn in. It’ll be taken out as I further develop, it’s just convenient for me right now.

Looks really good. I did experience some Z-fighting though in the road and some grassy areas.

You could put it in ServerStorage, I think. If it’s something you need and it isn’t supposed to be in the game, it can be kept there and you can come back to it whenever you want. (I am pretty sure)

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Anyways, time for feedback.

The game itself is cool, it could do with a little tweaks to make it a little bit more realistic so I will give them now.

For these posters on the walls, I would recommend changing them to 1 transparency and then putting them directly into the wall, so there is no block showing, just a flat poster on the wall.

Apologies if I am incorrect, but it doesn’t look like this guy has been injured by anything whatsoever, maybe add a battle frozen in place to show that something has injured him. You could probably do a lot with this.

This is my favourite part of the map. It is really good however I would recommend changing the material on the ground as it really does not look good at all.

The pavement or whatever this is looks really bad and I would not use a decal for this kind of stuff. It doesn’t look good at all.

Gap between the ground and the wall.

Grass goes through the floor and wall.

There is so many overlapping parts here and its not that hard to fix.

All of these things are incredibly minor and can be easily changed in a couple of minutes, I also recommend adding trees and etc for more content in the game.

I hope this doesn’t demotivate you, good work.

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Thank you so much!!! I’ve needed this kind of feedback. I will make the changes later today when I get out of class!

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Yeah I am working on that as well. It was far worse yesterday and I will look to make more improvements today and tomorrow. Thank you!