Feedback on Stone Bricks?

This is to be settled in a private message, not in a public forum to expose people. Please take this to a DM so I don’t have to scroll through all the arguments I didn’t come here for.

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The bricks are very well modeled and blended, but did you make sure that even if they have cracks they can blend well into anything meaning buildings and other things. It can be very helpful to smooth things as well as making sure that you do that.

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Thanks for letting me know. I’ll see what I can do!

They are very good. Just add a texture and make them a bit more darker.

Really good detail on this stone brick design, a lot of effort seems to have been put into this build. I think it’s really good because the brick can be low poly & realistic because you can just transform the material into “Smooth Plastic” for low poly or “Concrete” or “Slate” to make it realistic.

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