Feedback on store/plaza area (Screenshots)

I made a store area/plaza basing it off a location in Princeton TX, and changed up the look a bit to make it bigger, looking from like a rating scale from 1-10 how good it looks.


Can you show us the plaza? I don’t know if I am glitch but I can only see the google maps image.

Try now. I had to re-add them. They should be loaded now

I really like the build, I like the structure of the shops. I also like how they are “scattered” around and the logos are not filling every square (I think if they filled every square it would be over-saturated with logos). Furthermore, I also like the columns since you didn’t just forget about them.

I have 2 suggestions:

  1. I see that there are columns on the left, but I can’t find them on the right. It would be good if you continued them for consistency.

  2. Another thing is this part

    I would love if the extruding area where the logos are sitting on top of turned. I just feel that it ends abruptly and this: space looks empty since it ends abruptly:

Too many columns made it look horrible IMO so I removed them from the right side and removed a few from the middle area to make the windows the view focus on the lower half of the building. However I do agree with you on the top part, I will be extending it and also adding in a door and electric box to give it some depth, thanks!

Looks very nice, some spaces are empty which is a bit confusing (also it’s all very clean but that’s details really). I love the design through, very well in order.

Maybe you could make theses pilars a bit wider, like they seem to be in the Google Maps picture.

Also I bet there is an interesting light work to do here, but again it’s all details. Maybe some vegetation in the tree pots too.

In my opinion, not bad!
Obviously it isn’t a 1:1 of the stores, but I quite like it!
One issue though if you actually do something with this is the usage of actual brand logos on the stores, that might get you in trouble, but disregarding that, it looks pretty good man!

Thanks, the pillar size might be difficult to change since they are in sync with the longer post and frame, but I will see what I can do. As far as adding vegetation to the trees how’s this look?

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Pretty basic, but it still looks good nonetheless, has that classic Roblox charm to it.

Yeah I will be making my own logos in blender and exchanging them soon, the ones I have now are just for the test build, but when the game is published they will be changed, thats the plan.

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Looks good, even better from afar. By curiosity, and if that’s not a secret project of anything, for what type of game are you making this? By that I mean, is the decorum paramount to the gameplay?

Very nice work in general, by the way :wink:

It’s no secret. Well not fully private, but not explicitly public. Will be similar to GTA Online but will not feel like a roblox wannabe of GTA. currently making the map and will be adding in the rest later, we are pushing for the game to be extremely realistic while also being able to handle lower end devices. Open world game. There will be various jobs, activities, and weapon/vehicle customizations for players. And of course criminal activities. Heres a short video of the (stunning)(compared to other roblox guns) firearms.test

Just don’t add futuristic stuff. Please.

Futuristic stuff, as in? I need a few examples because I had a similar thought about this.

Flying bikes, sci-fi weapons, stuff like that. Don’t add that, because your game will literally be a 1:1 copy of GTA Online if you do.

It’s not the best, but it’s ok.

I feel like it’s too simple and lacks variety in the environment so I suggest adding more things that would fit this build. Also it’s a bit hard to look because of the shadow; it’s really dark.

Again, too simple

Hmm, so don’t add the MK2 Oppressor basically is what you are saying? Hmm ok

Yeah well I would like to add that this is exterior only, the way I am designing my map is to add all the exterior buildings first and then second will come the lights and interior, which will be scripted to turn on/off at various times, and do certain activities, the game will also be pushed to allow lower end devices, so that is a step down in quality/appearance!

Sounds promising!

It looks very good, though the PD22 stands out a bit negatively since it’s looks more like a brick with a decal on it (I don’t know know if I am clear, my apologies if not) compared to the others which have many more details.

Good luck in your project.