These are some trees I made using blender to practice. These are by no mean low-poly and were designed with a cartoonish open-world style in mind. I specialize more in scripting than building/modeling so this is slightly out of my comfort zone.
I love these trees, I could totally see them in a top game. Do you mind sharing a image of what the topology looks like? I’m interested in how you made these.
I am unsure if this is what you requested but I hope it shows the structure enough. As someone mentioned previously, the tree generation was made using a built in Add-On on blender with a few modifiers added. As for the texture, it was a material making the use of nodes that was baked in a specific lighting.
Can you explain how did you bake that gradient color into the texture? Did you use the same UV map for all of the leaves? Im trying to do a gradient style like that.
I can upload the blender file if you would like, assuming I can find it in my poorly organized drive. I don’t have much use for these assets so I wouldn’t mind sharing it if I still have the file. This was 6 months ago so I don’t remember the whole process from memory, I’ll look for it if you would like to have it.