Feedback on Subway Station

Hey! I’m currently working on a subway station build and would like some feedback on what I could change, and advice on what to add to the walls. Note that it isn’t completely finished yet. Let me know what you think!
(On the staircase, there are lighter walls visible above the tiles. More tiles will be added onto there, I just haven’t gotten to that yet.)


I like it!
It looks like a good map for a vibe / hangout area
The lighting looks divine, the purple tint really adds to it
Try adding a very slight blur of anywhere from 1 to 4.5, it gives it a more realistic approach

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How so many builders are able to complete their maps with alot of parts like tiles in week?

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Duplicating! I selected several rows of tiles and moved them together. It definitely takes a lot of time, but it’s a relief when its done and it looks cool :slight_smile:

I agree with this, I think the best way to go about this would to add “DepthOfFieldEffect” to the camera and configure it.

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This is really good. There is good detail and very clean. Good job :+1:

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