I’m looking into remodeling the map for Sword Fight On The Mountain and I was wondering which type of trees should I use and I wanna know if this map is okay enough to keep or remodel for the sword fighting game. I also wanna know what can be removed or added to the game for better experience for more players to enjoy.
I feel like the trees don’t fit in on the first one as it’s to hyper-realistic compared to the map, and the second one, has trees that are a tad bit to simple, maybe a in-between like this one I made!
I think of several things when looking at this. As it reminds me of Sword Fight in Heights that I played back in 2011.
My Feedback
I do like the modeled trees from parts, I don’t Ike the textured ones. The textured ones would work only with certain environment or theme you have within the map.
I also think the map is too small. If you want to make the size of like Sword Fight on the Heights, I would do that. But it does depend upon the theme you are going for, and depends upon what player base you want.
It is pretty good. A good start 100%, as I would work more on what you think the players would want, and something that you want. I hope my feedback helps. If you have questions you may ask, as I would love to help or evaluate further!