Feedback on Swordfighting Game

Hello Forum,

I recently published my first game, and I was wondering if I could receive some general feedback. The game is a remake of Sword Fights on the Heights IV by Shedletsky (75%+ credit to him).

Forgive me if I sound too vague or do something goofy (this is my first forum post).


Seams great!

However on mobile if i click while holding a tool nothing happens. Is this because it has no mobile support or are the tools broken?
Also, I recommend using R6 to give it a more classic style, but thats up to you.

Keep working and dont give up!

Very nice game you created keep it up!

Thanks for the feedback,

There should be a grey button that appears when you equip a tool (I used ContextActionService).

I might change it now that you mention it.

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A pretty faithful, concise and well put together remake. Nice job on this one; didn’t encounter any bugs in an albeit limited play session.