Feedback on tank model

part count: 1173
time taken: 3 hours approx.
old tank:

part count:931

(i saw a post on the pb discord server about a tank that looks super cool so I thought to recreate it but with a different style)
what are your thoughts on the new tank


It look cool, for me that more for sci-fi game(s). How about add camouflages for tank? Like snow camouflage, summer camouflage, sand camouflage, etc. (If there will be nature map ofc). Or such camouflage nets.
Btw good skills :+1:


white paint version:


Looks awesome. Keep up the good work

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This tank model looks VERY good! It has a lot of detail and looks unique and original on Roblox. Nice job on it!

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Thank you. The basic style is actually inspired by someone else, but I decided to use my own style rather than just copying from the creator of the other tank model.

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looks awesome maybe add some more ERA panels like on the turret

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