Feedback on tapping game GFX

Hey there, I am about to release a game with someone else and we were looking for feedback on the game icon. I am not a GFX designer and it’s the first game icon I have ever made so I want some feedback on how I could improve it. Thank you for any feedback.


super cool gfx except you should probably remove the fire it hides the cool looking cannon

and also add watermarks

Thanks, the fire is meant to be an explosion from the cannon. Are watermarks really needed because someone can just save the image from the website easily?

if the game is already published then it is not needed but hey you can’t always trust people.

We are just about to release in like a couple days. Only 1 thing left really. Doubt anyone could make a clone game in 2 days.

I used inspect element to test it in a smaller resolution

I recommend using some colors that contrast more. The logo kind of matches the cannons lower exterior and makes it look like its combined instead of two separate entities. Making your logo more prominent is crucial and much more important than any other element as your logo is what people are going to use to differentiate between your game and the thousands of other clicker games. make sure to also test out your icon against games in the same genre

yours utilizes the generic sunburst, featuring of item/pet, and “new” corner tag, which tons of others use. It might be the popular thing to do, but there was a point when it wasnt popular and was only big because someone moved on from the bandwagon to create something more innovative/creative. Icon GFX isnt just about looks and is an entire science of its own. It is crucial to differentiate you from your competition and make yours stand out. Meeting the standards of other clicker/tapper games GFX, I would say you did pretty well,but does that mean it will make you stand out? I wish you luck on the launch of your game, I hope it returns as much as you put into it :slight_smile: